Identification and Research of Prospective Funders
I subscribe to the top-of-the line, most current grantmaker research sources available. The best program and proposal dont stand a chance in the hands of the wrong funder. I compile detailed reports on prospects interested in your project.
Preparation of Proposal Calendars
I will prepare a full-year schedule to enable you to determine priorities and plan your time, solicit the most likely prospects first, meet all deadlines, and work to fulfill your financial and program goals.
Letters of Inquiry/Intent Development
These letters are often required by funders so they can determine if theyre interested in receiving a full proposal from you. Short and sweet, you dont have a lot of room to sell your project! I will develop the letters and complete online forms (depending on funder requirements) aimed to get those desirable invitations to apply.
Grant Proposal Development
I take your program and your vision and translate them into language and a format that provides funders with what they are looking for when they decide who gets their grants. My forms and outlines make it easy for me to learn about your project quickly. These proposals can also be used as templates to complete electronic applications, which are becoming increasingly popular with foundations.
Creating Attachments
Depending on which documents are required by each grantmaker's guidelines, I will format your budgets, create budget justifications/narratives, list income sources, and develop Board and Key Staff rosters/bios so you can put together professional-looking proposal packages.
Preparation of Grant Reports
Accurate and honest reports are often required to obtain renewal awards, and interim reports are sometimes required, especially to receive the balance of funds if installment payments are being made (such as for multi-year grants). I will work with program and finance staff to share your successes and lessons learned with your foundation supporters, as well as how the funds were expended.
I will assist you in any private grantseeking matter through personalized, patient teaching. This includes virtual informal training for individual staff members, explaining the process, sharing resources, answering your questions - whatever you need.
Development Planning
Together we will create a well-rounded plan using the techniques that are most applicable for your organization -- grants, direct mail, major and planned gifts, events, memberships, sponsorships, online fundraising, crowdfunding, peer-to-peer giving, and others -- to meet your financial and program goals.
Reviewing/Editing Your Documents
I will review proposals, direct mail letters, newsletters, grant and annual reports, brochures, marketing materials, event invitations, web, and other communications that you develop and give you feedback and writing assistance that will strengthen their appeal to funders and donors. My sharp eye can save you money and embarrassment by catching oversights before materials go to the printer or your supporters!
Consultants and Freelancers -- contact me regarding how I can assist you with your overflow work. Or expand your practice without sweat. I have fast turn-around time!
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